Standing Order Information

Bank Details

Account Name: Jump 2 It Coaching
Bank: Santander
Account #: 06849806
Sort code: 09-01-28.

Standing Order Information

Trampolining payments are due on the 6th of every month for 10 months, starting 6th September.

  • Please set up by standing order to prevent late payment and incurring a £4 fee
  • Please set up for 10 months to prevent over payments at the end of the year
  • Please only set up on this date as payment before or after confuses the accounting system
  • Please REFERENCE your payment with CHILDS FULL NAME with NO SPACES
  • If you have more than one child please can you send payments separately

Full letter details below – please see team app for a properly formatted copy and dates relating to payments

North Staffordshire Trampolining is a Community Club. Profits are invested into equipment, coaching and facilities. Jump 2 It Coaching manage the sessions for both. Please note all payments need to be sent to the bank detailed at the top of this page.

Fees are as per the table below. Payment MUST be made in accordance with the guidelines at the top of this page. If your child starts at the beginning of the academic year then the 1st payment will need to be on 6th September and will continue for 10 months (last payment 6th June).

New participants fees needs to be received into the bank account before their first session followed by a standing order for the following month (6th). Please text 07732 814510 once completed, as you need to do this to secure your place for future sessions.

If payment is not received by the 6th of the month a £4 fee will be incurred. If payment is not received within 7 days your child/children will not be able to attend their next class. CASH PAYMENT FOR SESSIONS CANNOT ACCEPTED.

Monthly Fees and Multiple Class Discounts

Other Session Types
1:1 sessions40
Squad (2hr) +£630
Squad (3hr) +£654

* Unfortunately we are unable to provide refunds on annual payments

Centre Specifics

Parents will be given the Club’s welcome pack to read, complete and where necessary sign, prior to their child/children starting with the club.
All data is gathered, recorded and stored in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. Further details are available on the Club app or if necessary paper copies can be obtained upon request. Our Privacy Policy is available to view at any time.

Please see our classes page for session times in term and during holidays. All fees have been adjusted to accommodate for school holidays – but please note that fees do not change if you’re on holiday or your child is absent due to sickness or illness. Should a trampolinist be affected by long term illness then a break from fees may be authorised.

Holiday dates:

We run to term time. If your class is on a Saturday/Sunday we are always in on the first weekend of the holidays and do not run on the last.

Cancellation of sessions

Over the year it is inevitable that some sessions will be cancelled due to conditions beyond our control, this will therefore be deducted off the last standing order payment due on the 6th June

Termination of membership

If a trampolinist is leaving then the Head Coach needs to be informed one month prior to payment of intended resignation. Failure to maintain appropriate payment will result in automatic termination and exclusion from classes, a 7 day time frame will be allowed. We do not give refunds, however we can credit future lessons

Footwear and cooldown

Trainers are required to warm up in so could you please ensure your child has suitable footwear that adheres to club policy with regard to clothing and footwear.

You should ensure your child participates in the cool down session at the end.