Covid 19 Important Update

Following on from the latest government annoucement (22nd Sept 2020).

We can confirm that as we are an approved individual sporting activity the new rule of 6 adults DOES NOT APPLY FOR OUR BOUNCING SESSIONS so all the current planned sessions are able to carry on.

From Thursday 24th September face masks will be MANDATORY to wear in all public areas (sport and leisure centres included).  Masks do not need to be worn whilst exercising but you will need to wear a mask into and out of the public building onto your way to your class. Areas where masks will be mandatory:

*Reception area *Toilets *Corridors *Changing rooms *Lift *Stairwells *Spectators area *Designated waiting areas
** for Children under the age of 11 it is not mandatory to wear a mask, over 11s MUST wear a mask.
***This also means  that any ADULT adult who is staying in the session to accompany an under 8 year old MUST wear a mask for the duration of the child exercising session.

As a reminder due to the current restrictions in all centres unless a child is over 8 no adult or parent is allowed to stay during the session.   If an under 8 year old is responsible enough we may also  ask for some individual parents not to stay but your coach will speak to any parent/adult we feel this may apply to.

Many of our current centres do have restrictions on the number of people/adults allowed in the room at any one time. If a session has a large proportion of under 8’s it may be some times necessary to restrict the number of under 8’s parents to ensure we stay under these imposed restricted numbers.  Again, we will discuss with all individuals if this becomes an issue.   This will hopefully avoid us having to move some under 8’s to a different session.

We thank you in advance for your continued support